Department of Human Animal Relations |

【Expected Image of Our Graduates】
Human resources who can play an active role in pet-related companies (pet stores, pet food, pet supplies, etc.)
Human resources with knowledge and skills in public health who can play an active role in the diversified society
where people and animals live together in harmony.
【Possible Career Paths】
Animal-Related Organizations
Guide dog breeding organizations,
Hearing dog breeding organizations,
Service dog breeding organizations,
Animal shelters,
Zoos, Aquariums, etc.
Social Welfare Facilities
Care and welfare facilities for the elderly,
Welfare facilities for the disabled,
Local government,
Child welfare facilities,
Educational institutions, etc. |
Pet Related Companies
Pet insurance company,
Veterinary medicine company,
Medical equipment sales company,
Pet stores
Pet food and pet product manufacturers,
Pet-accompanied facilities
Publishing companies, etc. |